Monday, December 29, 2014

Mandy: The Soon To Be Mama

It looks as if Mandy will have some little munchkins before long! She's doing great...I can't wait. :-) I'll post some pictures of that belly as soon as I have the chance!

~ Meghan

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Change Of Plans...

For reasons of my own, I canceled the December litter. I decided to pair Sparky and Mandy instead, so babies should be born in early January. :-) I can't wait! These ratties should be super sweet and healthy...


Friday, December 12, 2014

Another Favorite Ratty Snack...

I like to give my rats scrambled eggs every now and's a good source of protein.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Eqivalent Aging Schedule

Have you ever wondered how old your ratty is in human years? Well, now you can know!

Rat Age/Human Age

5 weeks- 10 years
6 months- 16 years
9 months- 25 years
1 year- 35 years
1 1/2 years- 50 years
2 years- 65 years
3 years- 85 years
4 years- 100 years
5 years- 110 years
6 years- 120 years
7 years- 130 years

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Okay, so my rat room looked rather 'boring'. I decided to fancy things up a bit! What I really need to do is paint it...I'll get around to it eventually. I don't think the rats mind. ;-)

I went to the store and bought some supplies...

This was before I started decorating.

Big Blue didn't seem too interested in what I was doing! Lol! As you can see, he has porphyrin around his nose. Unfortunately, his respiratory health isn't great. Even so, he is one happy boy. :-)

The finished product! You probably don't see too much of a was hard to capture the whole room in one picture...