Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Expo. Update...

I just wanted to let everyone know I am no longer attending the RAB pet exposition in Cleveland, OH. Lots of other breeders will be attending, so visitors are definitely welcome...
Well, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! By the way, another litter of baby ratties is on the way. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated. :-)


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Caring For Your Hairless Ratty...

A lot of people aren't very fond of hairless ratties. Oftentimes, their reaction is something like this: 'Yuck! I could never own one of those as a pet.' Even some people in the 'rat community' are hesitant when it comes to adopting a hairless rat. Why?

First off, many people think hairless rats are very ugly. They just don't like seeing a rat without fur! It creeps them out. A naked rat does have a very unique appearance...

Even so, they are just as sweet and loving as a 'regular' rat!

Some people shy away from hairless rats because they think they're too delicate for children to handle. This is a common misconception. They are actually very tough, little creatures! They are totally fine with rough me, I know from experience. ;-)

In many ways, hairless rats are very similar to furred rats. They love interacting with people, taking shoulder rides, playing, etc...But, there are also some pretty big differences:

1. Hairless rats tend to have skin/eye problems (it is common for them to have ingrown hairs around their eyes). 

2. Hairless rats need more protein/calories than furred ratties.

3. It is super common for hairless rats to get abscesses (they are easy to treat).

4. Hairless rats become cold very easily (obviously!).

5. All rats tend to have respiratory issues, but hairless rats are especially prone to having problems in this area.

The list of 'differences' goes on. I don't have time to cover everything. This post was simply supposed to help you better understand hairless rats. Please take the time to research and learn about hairless rat health. I didn't really go into detail- there are so many great articles out there. I know, it is rather overwhelming. But don't worry! Any rat can have these problems- it's just more common for hairless rats to have issues in these areas. As a rat owner/breeder, I feel it's worth the risk. Caring for these beautiful, interesting creatures is quite rewarding!

Before coming to an end with this lengthy post, let me give you some helpful tips on caring for your hairless friend(s).

1. It's a good idea to bathe your hairless rat every now and then. After the bath, put olive oil on their skin.

2. Make sure your hairless rat has lots of water! Also, give them extra protein (eggs, meat, cheese, etc...).

3. In my opinion, your hairless rat should have furred cage mates. They would keep him warm. In some cases, this doesn't work out very well. Furred rats can sometimes be rather rough with naked ratties.

4. It wouldn't hurt to gently wash the area around your hairless rat's eyes every day. Since they don't have eye lashes, it's important to wipe away all the dirt and dust. 

5. Make sure there are lots of warm sleeping areas in your hairless rat's cage. I lay t-shirts on the surface of my hairless ratty cages and they love to snuggle in them!

Well, I hope this post was helpful! Please take the time to do some research of your own- there is so much information out there...


Thursday, November 13, 2014

A December Litter...

All the babies were reserved in no time at all! They are going to great homes. :-)
I decided to pair some more adult ratties. This is not how it usually goes in my rattery, but my waiting list is filling up fast!
I'm not sure which adults will be paired, but I'll let everyone know soon! One thing's for sure- all the little munchkins will have Dumbo ears... 


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Riverside Rattery Update

Hey, y'all! It's been a long time since I gave everyone a rattery update...
All the ratties are doing great! They are in good health and have been enjoying lots of free range time. I can tell they are aware of the weather change. There has been lots of nest building going on. ;-)
All the babies are getting ready to go to their new homes. They grew up so fast! It seems like just  yesterday they were tiny, squirming pinkies. They are so friendly, active, and cute! They love to give kisses, hop around their cage, and eat oats...yep, they have a lot of personality!
I have been preparing for a ratty expo. It'll be held in Cleveland, OH on Dec. 14th. I'll be a vendor, which is very exciting. Please feel free to join us- visitors are very welcome! There will be lots of animals available for adoption as well as lots of educational material. For more information, go to
Well, I hope everyone has a great day! By the way, be on the lookout for an informational blog post about caring for hairless ratties. An adopter recently emailed with questions about caring for these rather delicate creatures. It was then that I realized many people do not take proper care of their hairless friends. So, that's what inspired me to write a post about this topic!
