Saturday, August 15, 2015

So Long, Everyone...

Hey there! It's been a really long time since I last posted. So sorry! Life has been crazy...
I have bad news. First off, I'm down to two ratties. The past six months has been really hard...I've been losing all my oldies. :( Not only Atto died, but so did Peppermint, Patty, Maria & Javier. Those five rats are the founders of Riverside Rattery. I'll miss them tons!
Okay, so here's the really bad news. I'm no longer breeding. Life has taken some interesting turns and I just don't have time anymore. This was a hard decision for me to make. This rattery has been a big part of my life and I've really enjoyed it! I may start again one day, but it'll be way down the road. One thing's for sure, I'll always own at least a couple ratties. ;)
Even though I'm no longer breeding rats I'll still be working with animals (once an animal lover always an animal lover). I'm excited to announce that I'm going to start training a therapy dog in the next few months. Just have to wait until I find the right one! I've been wanting to do this for many years... I know I can really impact people's lives.
Well, so long folks. I hope to be back some day!
